Sam Soffes

Diving in The Philippines

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In January 2020, I went on a dive trip to Dumaguete, Philippines. I think I had barely heard of COVID-19 at the time. By the end of the trip, there was lots on the news about this new virus in China in the airport on my way home. I remember thinking, "wow, this must be serious" when the US Border Patrol folks were wearing masks.

A lot has happened in my life since this trip. I’ve been meaning to get to these photos for a long time. I took over 1,600 photos on this trip, so narrowing them down took some time. Since I’m headed to Mexico this week for more diving, I figured it was time to finally finish these.

This trip was my first time in Asia. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see much besides the resort and underwater while I was there. Definitely need to go back.

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Deep Hobbies

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When I get into something, I really get into it. I love going deep on new hobbies and learning everything there is to know about them.

I think about the shop from MythBusters all the time. Shelves and shelves of labeled boxes of everything you could ever need to make stuff. Living the dream.

M5 Industries

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It’s my birthday. The past few days I’ve been thinking a lot about what I was doing around this time last year. What a year it’s been.

This morning, I read my Thirty and Thirty-One blog posts. These usually reflect on my last year some and look forward to the next year. Thirty was mostly about how work stuff isn’t the most important thing and I want to focus on family and hobbies. Thirty-One was mostly about goals for my free time. Needless to say, I didn’t accomplish many goals from that post this year thanks to COVID.

Last year on my birthday (March 2020), I was with some friends in Joshua Tree for the weekend. I remember being shocked to see the paper products aisle being completely empty in Wal-Mart. A guy that passed me in the store made a joke that all of the beer was sold out except Corona and that was his favorite so he didn’t mind. No one was wearing masks. We didn’t know you were supposed to yet. That following Monday, shelter-in-place started. That Tuesday, I started at GitHub from home. So weird.

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Ruby on Apple Silicon

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I’ve been using Homebrew on Apple Silicon for a few weeks now and it’s been working well.

With Ruby 3.0.0, I haven’t had any issues installing it with rbenv. Today, I needed to install an older version and had some trouble getting it. Here’s what I did to figure it out. (This assumes your Homebrews are setup like I described in my post.)

First, install rbenv with your native Homebrew:

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What a year. Besides the global pandemic, police brutality, and a very stressful election, a lot happened for me personally this year. I’m really thankful that I have a job and my health.

I went scuba diving in the Philippines. It was really amazing. I took some photos I’m really proud of. Maybe I’ll post them some time. (I’ve been saying I’ll post them “next week“ all year. Hah.)

I remember hearing about this COVID-19 thing on the news and not being sure if I should worry about it. When I was reentering the US, seeing the US border folks wearing masks made me worry a bit. I had to sign something promising that I hadn’t been to China. So crazy.

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