Why I Click Google Ads
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I click on Google Ads, a lot. Why in the world would I click on Google ads? I click them for many reasons (there’s really only two, but many sounds better). When you click a ad, the person with the ad on their site gets money. I like Digg.com and I like Kevin Rose, so I click on Google ads to help them out.
Google ads are content specific (so if you’re looking at guitars, there will be guitar Google ads). Some times I’ll see one that looks interesting and click on them just to check out what someone is selling in relation to what I’m looking at. Just a thought.
My Quote of the Week
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Procrastination is the art of telling yourself you won’t do something and then changing your mind at the last minute. It involves a lot of kicking yourself and reminding yourself how dumb you are. I do it everyday.
— Sam Soffes
My Quote of the Week
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My spiritual gift is procrastination. I’m really good at it.
— Sam Soffes
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Yay I got into college today!!! YAY! I'm soo happy! It is in Upland, IN about an hour north of indi. It's the number one computer science Christian college. Upland is a real small college town with the college, houses, and a restaurant. That's all.
Update: I didn't go to college. Wrote about that here.
Using GarageBand as a Guitar Pedal
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The other day I figured out how to use Apple’s GarageBand 3 as a guitar pedal. When I was first playing around with it, I didn’t think that I would be able to use it live on stage, but I figured out how! I saved $250 (Line6 Delay) and $70 (Electro Harmonix Phaser) on pedals but the possibilities are unlimited. Those are just the two I made in the few minutes before chapel started last Thursday.
It’s really easy to setup. All you need is a guitar (or bass), an amp, a Mac with audio in/out (I use a 12-inch PowerBook), and a preamp of some sort. The best would be an M-Box or a FireWire Solo (also by M-Audio) which run from $200-$400. I use a $30 DJ mixer that I bought in seventh grade. I put my guitar in the mic in and put the output into the line-in on my PowerBook. Now in GarageBand, create a real instrument track and setup whatever effects you want on that track. You could add some delay, phaser, chorus, EQ, etc. Now make sure that the monitor option is turned on. Now plug your Mac into your amp or pedal board and there you go! I have my PowerBook first in line with all my pedals after it. It’s fun to play around with. E-mail me if you have questions.