Sam Soffes

Apple Developer Tools

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Recently, my friend, Brian Minor, pointed out that only iTunes Connect and iAd Gallery are the only two Apple iPhone apps that haven’t been updated to iOS 7 yet. Sure, we complain about Apple developer tools all the time. Let’s take a closer look.

Compared to the Android tools, Xcode is fantastic. I plan on doing a more in-depth comparison on Android & iOS soonish. Anyway, if you look at any of the other tools, Xcode is fantastic. It’s pretty, generally works well, and is overall a joy to use. Imagine if we had to do all of this with Makefiles and Terminal.

iTunes Connect let’s you publish to the store. You can upload your app right from Xcode. We have team management in the developer portal. We can make certs whenever we want. There’s a lot there.

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Today, I’m twenty-five. A quarter century. According to this, I’ll live 82.53 years. I have 69.7% of my life remaining. So much left to do.

I set a goal to retire at 25 (which really means financially independent) about two years ago. While I still have to work, I have plenty of time to work on whatever I want. I don’t consider the goal met, but I’m on my way. I’ll take that.

Now that I’m older, I feel more perspective. I still constantly disappoint myself. I wish I was more productive. I feel like I can accomplish anything and then work on stuff that doesn’t matter or no one will ever see. It’s depressing.

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SSToolkit 2.0

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Today, I released SSToolkit 2.0. The first commit was September 9, 2009, but there are classes in SSToolkit that even predate that. Some of the code in there I wrote before the App Store even came out. This junk is old.

After some major frustration last year with CocoaPods, I decided to remove support for CocoaPods from SSToolkit. The maintainers of CocoaPods couldn’t write a podspec that actually worked for SSToolkit and I was tired of fighting with it. I really like CocoaPods, but there have been plenty of bumps along the way.

I decided to break SSToolkit into several libraries. This came with the support from the CocoaPods folks, so I got going about 8 months ago.

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