Sam Soffes

Sublime Text 2 Configuration

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For a long time, I've been symlinking my Sublime Text configuration from Dropbox to where it wants it. Last night, I wiped my computer and remembered how handy this is.

Someone on Twitter suggested that I put it in git instead. Definitely a much better idea. Here's my Sublime Text configuration. It just adds packages I've installed that aren't the default, my theme, and of course all of my preferences.

Hopefully you find it useful.

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New Blog

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I redo my blog a lot. This time around, it's very different than past iterations. Everything is stored in git and cached in Redis.

After being inspired by Waza this year, I decided to have a more durable way to store my posts. Instead of storing years of work in Postgres, I decided to store them on GitHub. I even took the time to go through and try to find as my old posts as I could find.

I'm not worried about Postgres durability. I'm more worried about accidently deleting my database or my dev database getting corrupted. Anyway, having them on my computer, external backups, and on GitHub is a good feeling. Granted I could have done that with Postgres, but managing markdown files on my computer is fun and easy.

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Hello World

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There is a world out there. It's pretty awesome. Today, I stumbled across this picture:


This makes me incredibly sad.

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Introducing Quesadilla

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I've been thinking about making this Ruby gem for awhile. It was originally called "cheddar-text", but I decided something that sounded more fun would be better. Awhile back, I was trying to rewrite this library in C and named the repo Quesadilla. It turns out, writing a C extensions that manipulates strings is really hard, so now the Ruby version is named Quesadilla.

Quesadilla is an entity-style text parser. Quesadilla was extracted from Cheddar. It's what powers all of Cheddar's text parsing. It was inspired a bit by Twitter's tweet entity.

Since Cheddar works on iOS and Mac (as well as the web), I needed something that could give me ranges for special things in the text. iOS and Mac convert this to an NSAttributedString using the indices included in each entity. Here's the source for how Cheddar for iOS does it in Objective-C.

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