Simple Pagination and Commenting Ideas
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I was playing with the new Twitter last night when I got the idea to redo my blog colors to match my my Twitter profile colors. I got kinda bored and and decided to add pagination to my blog.
I like how my pagination is simple. Unlike Digg and Google, I decided to just have two buttons and an indicator of where you currently are. In a blog sort of format, I doubt you'll be wanting to rapid advance through the pages, so I removed the feature to keep it simple and why build something if only 5% of your users use it? Keeping it simple.
What do you think? Like the new stuff? O wait no comments yet, ha. I guess once I add commenting, I will have somewhat of a full featured blog. We'll see how much free time I have this weekend to build it. I was thinking about using Disqus, but I want a simpler solution and looks really clean, which isn't easy to achieve with the Disqus API.
Glad I Chose Programmer Over Musician
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So it turns out that iPhone app sales are growing twice the rate of iTunes music. That rocks for us programmers. I have always enjoyed music (and making my own music), but spent more time on computers because I was never the best. I was always an average player and people were more impressed with stuff I would make on the computer.
Especially as I got older, I could make money doing a website, but playing drums in my room for hours on end just left me sweaty. I still love music, but I'm glad I chose the more monetary of the two for a profession.
The Experiment
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So I put up one of the songs I had been working on because people on Twitter kept asking to hear what I was working on. I finally put it up on my site and got a huge response on Twitter.
I think it's pretty good. It's relaxing at least. I was looking through my old recordings and found some more ideas I had started. I think I'll try to get together a few of my more developed ideas and put out a CD (called The Experiment). Sounds fun to me. Besides, I like making stuff people enjoy using/listening to.
I'll be posting all of my music on my blog and over here. You can subscribe to my RSS feed if you want. Send me some email and let me know what you think.
Yay For RSS and Kohana
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So I just put together some code real quick for building my RSS feed. I think I am finally going to make my own engine in Kohana like I've talked about for so long.
I really need to write an admin panel or I know I wont use it. Hopefully I'll get time to do that soon. I guess I should add commenting too.
I am Addicted to Redoing my Blog
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It is sad how much I redo my blog. I usually redo it more than I actually blog. Then I get it going and then get an idea for a new one and stop on the old one. So here is my new attempt at my blog. I think I am switching off Tumblr as much as I love it. I'll leave my old one up at incase you're still interested.
I still need to write some stuff to do rss and such. Hopefully I'll get to that real soon. Sorry for breaking your feed readers again.
Enjoy the new look. I doubt it will be around long.