Web 2.0 Look Coming
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I started working on a new look for samsoffes.com because I was bored one day. I figured, why not make it Web 2.0ish because that’s what seems to be popular and what people like. So far, I’m really liking the new look. Summer has been crazy, so who knows how long it will take me. At least I’ve started…
With the new look, comes a new style. I’ll be switching from WordPress (my blogging engine) to my own CMS (content management system). Why? Because I can. That will take a little while to get going, but once I do, rock on.
New Bravia Video
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Maybe you remember my post about the Bravia Videos. Something is up on the Bravia web site though. It looks like they are planing a new commercial only this time they are using paint. I can’t wait. It looks like it will be even more amazing than before.
Quote of the Week
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dude a second ago my spam was 1337 lol i so win
— Ian Wilder
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So I was playing with the shake effect in Script.aculo.us (an AJAX library). It will shake back-and-forth when you enter a bad password (like in OS X).
Anyway, click on my blue tie (up above) or here for a little surprise.
Adding all that AJAX and Adsense slows down my site a little bit, sorry.
My New Favorite Guitar Tuning
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That is the best tunning ever. I love it. I found this on the David Crowder* Band website. It’s like all of their songs from the Can You Hear Us? CD. I really like playing with this tunning, even in other keys than E.
I just bought B Collision by David Crowder* Band. It’s pretty good. It’s A Collision, only acostic. There’s lots of banjo too, its cool. I think it’s funny that they call it their acostic CD and they still use Reason and other loops and stuff in the background. They rock though. Go buy it, now.