Quote of the Week
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Here’s another one for those who just can’t get enough of the quote of the week…
One time I said “he” and my girlfriend thought I was talking about God, but I was really talking about Mike Davidson.
Quote of the Week
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Roses are read
Violets are blue
I am schizophrenic
I Hate Apple
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Ha ha, not really. I had you fooled for a second, didn’t I. I have gone through the worst experience with my 12-inch PowerBook G4. The hard drive died 369 days after I bought it. Apple’s policy is that you have to buy the extended warrany (AppleCare) within your first year of owning the machine. That extra 4 days has caused me the worst headache ever. I was very frustrated at Apple, but It’s all good now. They fixed my PowerBook for free (a $349 value).
I think I’m going to buy a LaCie 300gb Extreme Triple Interface. Though about the LaCie Bigger Disk Extreme 2TB, but I figured that was a little excessive and pricey at $1,655. I’m just hlad they are fixing my computer for free.
Quote of the Week
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O Christ Be the center of my life Be the place we fix our eyes
Apple Boot Camp Public Beta1
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Apple has just released Boot Camp. It lets you dual boot easily Mac OS X and Windows XP (Pro or Home with SP2). This is just a beta version of the software. It will be included in the new OS 10.5 Leopard. All you need is an Intel Mac and a Windows XP CD.
I am really looking forward to this. If Apple added a right click to the MacBook Pro, everyone would want to buy one. Personally, as soon as Adobe releases Photoshop and Studio 8 (perviously by Macromedia), I will be buying a 20" iMac. I think I'll keep my little 12" PowerBook G4 around. It's perfect for note taking and checking my mail on the road.
See full description at http://www.apple.com/macosx/bootcamp/