Parting Ways With Cheddar
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I made this thing called Cheddar last year. I'm pretty proud of it. I wrote why I stopped working on it here. I talked about this whole process at length in Founders Talk episode 38, episode 39, and little in episode 40. (Episode 41 isn't about me. Could have sworn I took over that show.)
Anyway, I posted that I was selling Cheddar a few months back. This has been a very interesting process. I learned a lot and met some really cool people. My biggest take away is most people just wanted to find out a lot because they were curious and were just wasting my time.
Today, the money from the Cheddar sale cleared in my back account. It's official. I don't own Cheddar any more. My good friend Josh Long owns it now. He has some big plans for it. He'll be posting about it soon. I'll tweet it out when he does.
This is almost hard to write. I have spent so much time on this thing. Cheddar was all I did for about 5 months. I learned so much working on this. (Definitely listen to those Founders Talk episodes if you're curious. You'll be sick of hearing me and Adam talk by the end of it.)
I'm really glad Josh is taking it over though. It is good hands. I think Cheddar users are in for some good surprises. There will be people working on it again! He's getting a team together to really make Cheddar great. Yay for new features and fixes!
Here's a few stats as of right now.
Thing | Count |
Users | 45,725 |
Lists | 94,605 |
Tasks | 884,462 |
Third-party Apps | 1,090 |
Lines of Code | 15,907 |
I wrote (almost) all of that code, designed everything (except the logo and icon), responded (or sometimes ignored) all of the support, etc. All of it. There is an iPhone/iPad app, Mac app, web App, open API, and open source Objective-C library. That's a lot of stuff for one person. It was exhausting.
I'm so glad I can focus on everything else I have going on. Lately, Roon has been taking most of my free time. I really enjoy hacking on something new with another person. Drew is a ton of fun to work with.
I have a ton of other stuff I've been wanting to work on for awhile that I'll finally have time for. Overall, I'm really happy. I 'll definitely miss it a little though. This is definitely best for the Cheddar users too. The users and the product will finally get the attention they deserve. I'm really happy about that.
If you have any questions about Cheddar, feel free to email josh@cheddarapp.com.