Sam Soffes


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I've had the idea for an app that would simply show you the value of your bitcoins at a glance. Lots of Shares users have requested bitcoin support in Shares, but it would be very different since it's a lot different than a stock. Coins is just a simple little app that tells you how much your bitcoins are worth.

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This is the story of designing, building, and submitting the app in one day.

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Does Free Diminish Value?

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Lately I've been thinking a lot about this question: Does free diminish value? A recent Microsoft commercial about the new Surface something or rather mentioned they'd give you the best smartphone for free if you bought a Surface. Obviously it's some Microsoft phone and they are touting the camera.

To me, I immediately dismiss the possibility of it being the best phone. If that is really the case, there is no way they could give it away for free. At least that's my line of thinking. If this is truly the best, it must be using some cutting edge technology and that junk isn't cheap.

Someone twitter had a good point:

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Raising Your Profile

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Recently, I recorded a video with my friend Pasan over at Treehouse. We talked about raising your profile online.

Personal branding is very important to me. It's something that requires effort. It's not random chance people know (or don't know) who you are.

Anyway, give it a watch if you're interested. It's 35 minutes long and in interview format.

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