Sam Soffes

Let’s Hope

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In case you've been living under a rock, you know that iOS 7 isn't beautiful. Everyone is talking about how bad it is. Jony Ive Redesigns Things and Episode 1 of Mother Futon News are my favorites.

Anyway, there are countless quotes just like this one:

iOS 7 is so far from done that maybe there is a story here, in that Apple has a mountain of work ahead to get iOS 7 ready for actual release this fall (presumably, coincident with the release of new iPhone and iPad devices). But to judge iOS 7 beta 1 as you would a release version is silly.

John Gruber

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New Homepage

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Last night I updated my blog website. Now that I'm using Roon for my blog, I wanted to update to pull in my latest post and show off some of the stuff I'm working on.

We have big plans for developer stuff on Roon, but for now I'm just using a little Ruby script to pull my latest post.

Pretty simple. We'll be rolling out real documentation and such soonish.

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WWDC 2013 Predictions

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I've been thinking a ton about tomorrow's keynote. I think everyone has. This year is different than most. No one knows anything this year. If you think back to the iPhone 4 announcement, Steve even commented during the keynote that "some of you have already seen this." This year it's just silence.

The big change this year besides how quiet it's been is that Ive is in charge of the software design for the first time. The banners around the Moscone are shockingly different:

iOS 7 Banner

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Engagement Photos

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Last week, the amazing Todd Balsley took some photos of Ellen and I. We shot some photos in downtown Louisville, Kentucky. I think they turned out pretty great.

Most of them were shot with his nice Canon gear. For a couple of them, he used my RX1. Pretty awesome that my little camera can keep up with the sweet high-end stuff.

Anyway, here's a few of my favorites.

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