SuperConf 2013
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The wonder folks at SuperConf asked me to come to warm Miami and give a talk. I decided to talk about Building Realtime Applications.
Here are the links for everything I talked about:
- Seesaw — where I work
- Cheddar — a to do app I made
- Service-oriented Applications — a great way to build applications
- Totter — Seesaw API Ruby Gem
- OAuth 2.0 — great authentication
- HTML5 — the future
- WebSockets — realtime communication between clients and servers
- Pusher — awesome hosted WebSockets
- Bully — Objective-C Pusher client
- Go make stuff
I started a tradition of buying a new H&FJ font whenever I give a talk. I bought Whitney first. Then Gotham. I'm finally getting back to buying new fonts after using Gotham for a really long time. Such a great font. Anyway, I bought Landmark and Verlag to use in this talk. I took a ton of inspiration from the Landmark sample images when I was making my slides.
Hopefully you learned something or at least enjoyed seeing me have disproportional amount of fun with my new fonts. You should say hi on Twitter sometime.