Sam Soffes


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I'm no stranger to change. Most people are change averse. I embrace it. Change is the only way to move forward. If you followed me for any time at all, you can start laughing at how predictable this post is.

Today is my last day at Seesaw. Seesaw is the second longest job I've had coming in at just 14 business days short of a year. I'm getting married on Saturday and taking three weeks off for my honeymoon and for our move to San Francisco. Like I said, bring on the change.

I figured it was best to just be up front with Seesaw and let them know I was planning to leave soon. I'd hate to waste their time and money with three weeks off only to leave soon after. We both agreed it was best to leave before. The wonderful folks at Seesaw and I are on great terms.

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I'm fat. About a year ago, I made a little website about my data and such. My friend Brian Minor inspired me. My thought was if I publicly track data, it will keep me motivated.

I redid my little site last night to have a graph. Right now it just pulls in my weight from the Fitbit Aria scale and shows a simple graph. There is a rake task that runs every 10 minutes and stores the data as a JSON string in Redis. The rest is a simple Sinatra app that just sends the JSON straight to JavaScript. The graph is made using Chart.js.

When I have more time (lol) I want to make this pretty and show more data. Fitbit collects a ton of really sweet data. Making a custom dashboard thing sounds like fun.

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Today, my co-workers at Seesaw and I launched a little side project called Everlapse. It's a fun app for sharing life, frame by frame.

Video is beautiful but tough. Photos are easy but boring. Everlapse is something new in between.


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